Wednesday, August 2, 2017

My Cover!

Hey, all!

In case you missed it, my cover was revealed last week over on Mundie Moms! (Click through to read an excerpt, which includes a storm at sea, a mysterious illness, and a great creature glimmering out among the waves…)

Here's my cover, in allllll its glory:

Besides the cover as a whole (I MEAN YOU GUYS IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL JUST LOOK AT IT 😍), I ADORE the tail on the a in sea, and the long elegant r on the end of Meyer. I'm in love with the silver-blue color scheme, the way the light shines from that mysterious jar, and the expression on the model's face. The cover is so mysterious and beautiful and fantastical and eerie, and I love it to bits! I'm in awe that my book has a face now, and I'm sooooooooooo excited to hold it and stroke its pretty pages when my ARCs arrive soon!

In other news, a website is in the works, and I've been updating my Facebook author page fairly frequently, so feel free to follow me on there if you haven't already. And of course I'm allllllways on Twitter! 😜

Cheers, and thanks for following along on this marvelous adventure! 💚

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