Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Most Boring Post Ever

Happy Wednesday, peeps!

Not a whole lot going on over here in Joanna-land, I fear. Been outlining The Last Garden (and keep finding plot holes—argh!!), enjoying the suddenly gorgeous weather (SO gorgeous), and trying not to think too much about the full still floating out in agent-land. **sigh**

In other news, I finished A Coalition of Lions yesterday and liked it pretty well, though I didn't find it quite as haunting or compelling as The Winter Prince. I'm still eager to read the third book, though.

And that's about it. NaNo lifts off in twenty-four days!

I'm off to make some tea and enjoy the clouds. :-)


Unknown said...

You must be having better weather than us, we went to visit our wedding site for our anniversary and where three years ago there was a yellow and gold glade, we found three inches of snow!

Joanna Ruth Meyer said...

Thanks for visiting! :-)

Ooooh a yellow and gold glade sounds lovely, sorry it was buried in snow this time around! Major props for getting married someplace so romantic-sounding. :-)

Arizona is currently enjoying temps in the seventies and eighties, which is quite miraculously wonderful seeing as we only lost our triple digits a week or so ago! Ick, I'm SO glad summer seems to finally be over.

daniel the smith said...

I vaguely remember liking The Winter Prince a lot, I didn't know there were sequels. Guess I'll have to check it out...

Anna said...

Oh, someone else who likes clouds and tea, too! Right now, I'm sipping tea and watching a storm brewing outside...snow is expected later on. ;-)

Good luck with the full!

Joanna Ruth Meyer said...

Oooooh Anna, enjoy the storm and the snow!! No such luck here, but I am currently enjoying a lovely cuppa. :-)